by Mike Collishaw | Jul 22, 2020 | Microsoft Azure
Our third Lizo video shows how utilizing Cosmos DB, SQL Database and Cache for Redis is advantageous for a company managing large volumes of data. The outcome: increased operational efficiencies and improved visibility in predictive maintenance. Watch this video Mike Collishaw | Jul 21, 2020 | Microsoft Teams
Think Up Consulting is a business built on collaboration. Its 39 team members–known as Thinkers–spread their time across as many as 11 projects each. Seamless communication is a must for creating customized solutions for every Think Up customer. Mike Collishaw | Jul 21, 2020 | Microsoft Teams
Teams Vs Zoom: which one do you use? FollowFollow Microsoft has been playing catchup with Zoom since the lockdown started. A massive influx to both platforms saw a focus of attention on the two popular software service. Many times we’re asked, which should Mike Collishaw | Jul 20, 2020 | Managed Service
When the world is changing at breakneck speed, innovation becomes an organization’s most important weapon. History offers a few key lessons about how to wield that weapon in the future. The article underscores that the process of innovation itself is Mike Collishaw | Jul 19, 2020 | Microsoft Office 365 Cloud Solutions
Replacing older accounting software can be easier and more affordable that many people think. The purpose of this guide is to help prospective customers understand the benefits of a modern technology platform, the advantages of a cloud-based solution, and how to...