by Mike Collishaw | Jul 12, 2019 | IoT
The Internet of Things (IoT) offers businesses opportunities for incredible savings and growth. However, an IoT solution may also require a significant up-front investment. At Connect, we can help you find the solution that fits your business needs and help Mike Collishaw | Jul 11, 2019 | Productivity Tools
If you haven’t upgraded to the latest version of Windows, you could be losing out on productivity. Your employees need the latest tools, and we can help. At Connect, we have a team of dedicated professionals who specialize in helping businesses just like Mike Collishaw | Jul 10, 2019 | IoT
With SaaS and PaaS, the right solution is different for every business. SaaS can provide predictable pricing options without the need to construct an in-house management solution. PaaS allows businesses with cloud and device expertise to fine-tune their IT services Mike Collishaw | Jul 9, 2019 | Microsoft 365 Business
In the digital age, your business must offer customers increased security and privacy without breaking the bank. Security across all your devices is key to ensuring you’re protected. Safeguard cyberthreats proactively with enhanced and constantly updated Mike Collishaw | Jul 5, 2019 | IoT
The “smart office” or office equipped with IoT devices, represents an intelligent ecosystem that businesses rely on to monitor, control, and manage various operations and working conditions within their organization. At Connect, we have the tools and know...